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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Crazy Weather and Hump day Excitement

I haven't blogged in a while and I chalk that up to having a crazy stressful life. Now before you feel bad for me, i've done most of this to myself lol

I love to craft and upcycle things and pretty much do anything that involves a hot glue gun, my husband will attest to that. (Praise God for giving me somebody who is supportive of my crazy hobbies) Sometimes I will literally destroy a room during a project and he never seems to mind :)

So last week we had amazing and beautiful warm weather, and then Monday --it iced and snowed. I was sad, and I truly believe that weather has the ability to get me down. :(

But, alas!

Today is Hump day and it has been my very favorite day ever since this summer. This past summer I worked at a zoo and lunch time was always hang out with the animals time, which is amazing and I miss it terribly. So, one Wednesday afternoon, my fellow interns and I decided to ride the camels on our lunch break. CAMELS ON HUMP DAY! I mean c'mon that's probably the most awesome thing you could ever do right?

This past summer had its ups and down but I wouldn't have traded it for the world.

I am excited to see what this summer will bring. And I am excited/nervous to see where my life is going to take me in the next year or so. A lot is up in the air but I know that God has a plan mapped out for me and all I need to do is listen. I hope everyone has an absolutely fantastic HUMP DAY! Woop WOOP!


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