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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Accomplishing Goals and Staying Fit!

      So, I have always wanted an elliptical machine. Why? Well because for one, I HATE running--with a passion. I  actually did run a 1-mile and a 2-mile race a couple years ago, but I only started running because a friend needed a running partner. It honestly gets addicting after a while and the "runner's high" is real guys and gals. So why do I hate it? Because if I stop running for a period of time it's like my slate is wiped clean and my muscle memory is gone and I have to start completely over from scratch. This means that when I do start over--I can run a total of a tenth of a mile and i'm exhausted, my legs hurt and I can't breathe. Not fun. I also played softball for..I don't know 1371237 years--okay actually more like 14 years but yeah--i'm only 23 you know--so like my whole life and consequently I have problems with my knees! Yay sports injuries! But that is why running is both mentally and physically difficult for me to do.

     About a month ago I told my husband that I wanted to save up and buy an elliptical machine, because they are easier for me to use and easier on your body too. Having one in our home would be amazing because it would eliminate the dreaded 7:00 am drive to the gym and the outrageous membership fees!

Let's put this in perspective:

  • Average gym membership $55/month which is $660 per year. 
  • The average amount of gym membership money that goes to waste from under utilization: $39/month.
  • Average times gym membership owner goes to gym: 2x/week. 
  • % of ppl with gym memberships that never use them: 67%. 
Stats taken from:

     You get the picture--and I would be part of those statistics in that I would not go as often as I would want to and I would not get my money's worth because the only machine I use at the gym is the elliptical machine. So, we began to look into machines and we found one for a decent price of $200 and the reviews couldn't get much better.

     Now that the easy part was done--We found the perfect machine--We now needed to come up with the $200 to pay for it. My husband and I follow Dave Ramsey's advice for budgeting and things of that nature so we are on a strict lower-income budget. We both knew we couldn't use any of that money to help pay for the machine less we go without food for a month ;) SO--we had to figure out another way. Luckily I have a nice little hobby I like to do on the side (painting) that would help with funds. I got really lucky when a friend of mine from work had me do a bunch of canvases for her! :)

     Next, a donor decided to give my school a ton of money in which they distributed to their employees based upon how much we worked over Christmas break--AWESOME! So I got a nice little bonus check that I could put towards our goal!

     We also had an old mini-fridge that we sold and some other little things, but we met our goal and WALAH!

Elliptical machine-- Welcome to the Austin home, you will love it here!!! 

      This was beyond exciting! My husband and I put it together last night! (An accomplishment in itself lol) And I had my first workout on it this morning at 7am! No cold morning drive, no cold drive home, and I got to watch netflix while I was working out! This is the dream, and we are so blessed. I believe God has provided yet again because He loves us. He has been so good to us and we are so grateful! We have more than we deserve.

I hope everyone has a blessed week!


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