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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Never Ending To-Do List

Do you ever feel like your to-do list never ends? You cross off 5 things, and 6 more magically appear on your notepad...yeah I totally understand that. Some days it seems as if I will never get caught up. I think what we have to do if we are in this situation is realize that we will never be completely caught up. We have to have our priorities in check and make sure we are doing what's MOST important first. For me, God is MOST important, and Zach is next in line. If I am spending my time with God, and giving Zach the next big chunk of my time, everything should fall into place.

Do I do this...? No.

If you are like me you struggle with priorities even when you know who and what should come first. Maybe you have 2 jobs, and you're in graduate school and you promised her you'd be at that event and you have 12 errands to run and you have two huge tests to study for that will determine your future and you have too many obligations to too many people and you're applying for that big first real job and you are trying to figure out your next step in life....and this and that and fifty other things that need to be done..

So here is the punch line-- give yourself a break, you're only human. Make time for yourself so you can "fill your own cup" and therefore be able to pour into others.

Remember, you are loved first and foremost by a Great God and He wants you to be happy.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day today!


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