Everyone is making "New Year's resolutions", right? I don't know about you but after about the third or fourth week into the new year I already start slacking. I know this sounds cliche and all of that but I am holding myself accountable to making this year different! I have made a resolution to work out and stay fit all year long! I love to work out but what happens is this: I get super inspired and I start working out and it lasts for maybe a week or two and then the couch looks so inviting and Grey's Anatomy is on Netflix and then BOOM...lazy me is here to stay. This year will be different, I will make my fitness a priority! God, Husband, Family, Friends, FITNESS! In that order!
The most important thing ever when setting a goal...is to legitimately set a concrete goal that you can both measure and plausibly attain. This is so important and plays a huge role when it comes to your motivation!
Now, I have always loved the way Yoga makes me feel, so I have begun practicing as part of my fitness goals. I have set a goal for myself to practice yoga 5 days a week for at least 20 minutes a day. I know what you're thinking, wow what a wimp! 20 minutes a day of yoga is NOTHING. Well, you have a point but I am starting out fresh and my body isn't used to a crazy amount of exercise, so it's very important that I start small and work my way up to a bigger goal. Setting smaller goals is a great way to help motivate and encourage yourself without feeling like your body is breaking down and you aren't good enough or strong enough to do it. THERE IS NO SHAME IN THIS! Don't ever compare yourself to someone else! Do what you feel comfortable doing and eventually you will build the strength and the stamina to reach your biggest goals! Don't push yourself if you aren't ready!
Now, I will be posting every week to give you all updates on how my yoga-venture is going! I will share the insights that I learn and describe how Yoga is effecting me physically, emotionally and mentally. Feel free to leave comments and share tips and suggestions for others to read!
I have been using the podcast, "Yoga-Mazing" which anyone can download onto their iTunes and ..it's FREE! Which is great because I am a newlywed and yoga classes didn't make the budget this month ;)
Also, I have a Mac book which with two inexpensive cords (HDMI & and Adapter cord for my macbook), I can hook up my laptop to our big screen TV and I can see my yoga podcast nice and big right in my living room!
Here are some of my short term goals:
One Leg Wheel Pose |
Bow Pose |
Standing Bow Pose |
Extended Hand-to-big-toe Pose |
And here are some of the long term goals that I hope to be able to accomplish by the end of this year!
Yoga Sleep Pose |
Crow Pose |
8-Angle pose |
Shoulder Press Pose |
Monkey pose |
Scorpion Pose |
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