It has been a good while since my last post, and what can I say other than sometimes, life gets in the way.
I should tell you that I am days away from starting the most important job that I will ever have: Mommy!
As of today I am 38 weeks and 4 days into my pregnancy! I feel that I could fill up an entire book with all of the challenges, woes, and amazing experiences that have come to pass during these last 9 months.
We found out that we were expecting back in June of this past year and nothing has been the same ever since. My husband and I had always planned to have children someday, but were unsure of when God would bless us with that responsibility. He didn't make us wait, as we were very lucky to receive the good news shortly after we started trying. Zach and I both believe that we are blessed beyond measure and have been shown amazing grace and favor in this. We are proof that no matter how badly you mess up in life, God is good and merciful and will always give you the desires of your heart.
My pregnancy has not been all daisies and roses though. I was very sick from week 6 until week 12 and had to be put on prescription medication for my all day/all night nausea. Luckily, it worked like a charm and I was able to continue working. This was important for our family because Zach is finishing up PTA school right now and only works periodically on the weekends. My goal was to make it to the end of January at my job, in order for us to save enough money to live off of during the upcoming months with our new bundle of joy!
I am THRILLED to say that I made it! I celebrated my very last day at my job on Friday, and i'm now officially a "stay-at-home" mommy!
After all of the blessings that I have received throughout this time, it is hard for me to outwardly complain about what I am going through, but I will say just a few words
To all of the mommies that are and that will be: you are amazing and strong. There has never been a time in my life where I have had to give of myself as much as I have had to during this pregnancy. From what I have heard, the giving only increases from here on out and I am more than ready to take on that responsibility. Our bodies truly are broken for our little ones, and somehow, none of that even matters anymore. I am so grateful that God chose me to be my little girl's mommy, and I will never take that great honor for granted.
Any new mommies, feel free to comment or give me suggestions!